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трудовые конфликты
RussiaAnti-war struggle in Russia and in UkraineThe current Russian-Ukrainian military conflict has led to a wild explosion of the most disgusting, cavernous nationalism on both sides of the front line. In Russia, they are calling to "crush" the enemy, in Ukraine - to fight for the "fatherland" to the last man. In both states, propaganda seeks to "dehumanize" the enemy as much as possible, and, unfortunately, many ordinary people fall into a trap set by those in power. Even many "leftists" and "anarchists" eagerly rush to support the bloodshed, intoxicated with patriotic rubbish.
KRAS-AIT contra la guerra / KRAS-IWA against the WarNO WAR! STATEMENT OF THE IWA SECTION IN THE REGION OF RUSSIA / NO A LA GUERRA! DECLARACIÓN DE LA SECCIÓN DE LA A.I.T. EN LA REGIÓN DE RUSIA (Engl., Esp.) The war has begun. What people were afraid of, what they warned about, what they did not want to believe in, but what was inevitable – happened. The ruling elites of Russia and Ukraine, instigated and provoked by world capital, greedy for power and bloated with billions stolen from the working people, came together in a deadly battle. Their thirst for profit and domination is now paid with blood by ordinary people - just like us.
Dichiarazione degli anarco-sindacalisti e degli anarchici russi sulla situazione in KazakistanGli anarcosindacalisti e gli anarchici della Russia esprimiamo la piena e totale solidarietà con la protesta sociale del popolo lavoratore del Kazakistan, e inviamo nostri amichevoli saluti!
Statement on the situation in KazakhstanStatement by Russian anarcho-syndicalists and anarchists on the situation in Kazakhstan We, Anarcho-syndicalists and Anarchists of Russia express our full and complete solidarity with the social protest of the working people of Kazakhstan and send them our comradely greetings!
Statement against the totalitarian biopolitics of the Russian authorities"Anyone who tries to lay his hand on me and rule me is a usurper and a tyrant, and I declare him my enemy" (P.-J. Proudhon) The section of the International Workers' Association in the region of Russia categorically rejects the totalitarian biopolitics of the Russian authorities, which, under the pretext of fighting the coronavirus epidemic, openly violate the most basic rights of wage workers and of the population in general. We consider the compulsory vaccination, proclaimed by those in power, an outrageous act of open state violence against the human personality, his freedom, dignity and life itself.
Alexi Navalny is no “honest guardian” against Kremlin oppression, anarchists warnFollowing political protests against corruption in Russia on March 26th which saw hundreds of arrests, led by lawyer and political figure Alexi Navalny, Russian anarcho-syndicalist group KRAS-AIT argues that for the country’s poor, his “responsible” free-market vision offers no respite.
Ukrainian crisis and the "Left": Necessary clarificationUkrainian civil war caused another heavy blow to those social forces in Russia, who call themselves "left", "anti-fascist" or "anarchist movement". Unable to withstand the tests about the infamous "national question", or more precisely the examination on internationalism, this milieu splinted into supporters of one of the bourgeois camp who grappled with each other in the struggle for power in Ukraine.
Camp of the «Radical» Opposition: First Conclusions
Declaration of the Section of IWA in Russia about so-called “March of the millions” on 6th.of May, 2012
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